Tuesday, December 18, 2007

So this is a blog!?!

Take 2. Let's try this again. Sure I enjoy writing, but sometimes I wonder who really wants to read what's going on with lil' ol' moi? I've been active for over 2 years on a Message Board that's become my home away from home, and made some great online friends, but a blog is so different from a board. Almost more daunting.

I'm not quite sure what the flavour this blog will take on. So much is going through my head these days, and so much has happened in the past 2 years. I guess it'll be a work in process and we shall see where it leads.

A bit about me...

I'm 30 and the wife to a great guy. We're celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary in May 2008, and we just welcomed our 1st baby this past September (on Labour Day of all days!). I used to do Corporate Event Planning, and these days I find myself thrilled with the thought heading to the grocery store for some "me" time, and consider it a good day if both Makenna & I are dressed, clean, have eaten and appear content.

Becoming a SAHM has been an adjustment to say the least, and isn't a job for the weak or faint of heart. I'm only 3 months into the position and already I find myself questioning what the heck I'm doing. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE my daughter, and the fact that we have managed to keep me at home to be with Miss M is a huge blessing in disguise, but at the same time I find my identity has tried to take on a life of it's own. I'm fighting to exist as beyond my roles and instead struggle to not be known only as Miss M's mama and married to that guy!

My self worth isn't defined by my roles. I am still me, but with a new role. It's the constant struggle and battle that will keep me motivated to think outside the box and test the traditional realms of Motherhood. It was a huge journey and battle just to get to this place (which I'm sure I'll share later on). Until then, I just swimming.

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