Saturday, December 3, 2011

Wash, Rinse and Repeat...these are the days of my life!

So December is here and Christmas is just around the corner. Looking at the calendar confirms what Scott & I feel, where did the time go? We've barely had a weekend free of events since spring and December is looking no different, but we've finally caught a glimpse of a quiet weekend in January.

There are days where I feel like I'm on fast-forward. My days are a blur as I wake up, rush around and get myself and the girls ready for the day, make sure backpacks are packed and lunch is made for Big Bit's if it's a school day. Drop the girlies off, head to work (not without a stop at Starbucks, of course!) and tackle the various projects on my plate.

After putting in a full day's work and sometimes staying late, I get home and am greeted at the door by 2 very excited and very tired little girlies. No sooner do I get in some cuddles and a quick playtime and it's dinner time, closely followed by bedtime. Then I've set out to cram a day's worth of housework into the few remaining hours I still have left in the day. Most nights I don't get to bed before 1am. Then I wash, rinse, and repeat my next day. Some days I feel like I'm living a scene from groundhog day since you can set a clock to repetition I sometimes feel.

Let's face it...I'm tired! Not to mention frazzled when I have to add the additional stress of mixing up the routine with a new task or commitment.

When I'm not busy playing the role of my life as wife and mom, I've thrown myself into my job. My biggest project for the past 9 months has been re branding the college and that's entailed everything from a new logo and promotional materials, to an entire communications overhaul and new website. That dang website has been the bain of my existence for 6 months.

Have you ever worked on something and the more you work on it, the more you feel like you've just unearthed an insane amount of additional work and it'll never get done? Well, that's what it's been like working on this website. I often referred to it as the rabbit hole, much like the one from 'Alice in Wonderland'.

This website has taught me a lot about my life too. All too often, we just take our baggage onto the next task. It's like we're in survival mode and don't purge. For me it's because I lack the time, and well, while I'm being honest and transparent, I just don't have the energy some days.

We just let everything build up and carry it with us. How much easier would it be if we dealt with our baggage while we were in the midst of it and get it cleaned up. It's so easy to think like that once you're out of the pressure but when you're in the midst of the pressure and stress, it's a daunting task to add the work of dealing with the smaller issues. Sure, they seem small and insignificant, but over time they build up and soon they are compounded into a bigger issue.

Of course, it's always easy to say what should be done when we have a case of the "coulda, shoulda, woulda's". After all, we're all perfect at finding the flaws and faults after the fact. Hindsight's 20/20 and here's the kicker. Nothing irks me more than having somebody else point out my flaws or flubs, especially when I already knew about it but was hoping nobody else did. Talk about a humbling experience.

So while everybody else is getting ready to reminisce about the year, I'm done reflecting and rolling-up my sleeves to do something about it. I just need to figure out the time to do it all in.

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